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is consistency more important then content

Is consistency more important than content?

April 09, 20224 min read


It’s a new age in the online space, one that is being called creator culture, where creators can create content in multiple ways, whether it be via podcasts, blogging, video blogging, Instagramming, and more! But the question remains, is consistency more important than content? In this article, I will break down why being consistent with your content-generating output is far more important than the actual content itself.

What does a consistent content creator look like?

A consistent content creator should be someone who is turning their ideas, their suggestions, and their thoughts into content. This is someone who is sharing their value with a group or audience. I do think that a creator should pay attention to the quality of a post or blog, but in most cases, it's about producing enough content to see the quality. I think it's very rare to develop a best-selling novel or create a best selling product on your first try. You create quality content because you've produced enough good and bad content to understand what works and what doesn't work. Without consistency, we wouldn't have a creator culture. If people didn't produce consistently we would never have things like The Beatles, Star Wars or Shakespeare. These are all products of consistency over time. They took years to build up an audience and they had many failures along the way. But they kept at it until they found something worth creating over and over again. And I think that's why we have a creator culture today. It's not just about being creative, it's also about being persistent and focused on providing value for others. And if you look at all great creators from history they were always working hard to provide more value for others. And that's why there is a creator culture today!

How can you be consistent as a content creator?

As a natural-born procrastinator, I can tell you consistency is hard. All joking aside, procrastination is a learned trait; it's something you do to avoid any negative feelings. So if we can learn to procrastinate we can learn to be consistent. For me, consistency is all about forming habits through a process or system. Create a way for you to develop content consistently through time blocking, rewarding yourself, and building the process into your daily schedule and life. It’s important to remember that you're not just creating content but you are also creating a creator culture where people feel comfortable sharing their work with others. You need to create an environment where people are open with their ideas and willing to share them with other creators. This will allow you as a creator to build off of each other's ideas and grow together in both your personal lives and as creators in general. Remember that being consistent doesn’t mean perfect, it means showing up every day even when things get tough. It’s those days when things get tough that makes us stronger because we have a choice to either quit or push forward through it, choose wisely!

How do you make sure your audience still cares about your content even if it’s not as frequent as before?

You have to have some form of entertainment in your content.  You have to be able to stop the scroll. You need to capture attention through your copy or through your visuals. I think you need to also focus on return on attention. How do you go from low-frequency high-quality content to high-frequency ok quality content? Try not to focus on how that high-frequency content broke down, but focus on producing just more content. The key is consistency. If you’re consistent, it doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad as long as people see it and consume it. The creator culture is about being consistent over time and putting out a lot of work consistently over time versus focusing on one piece of work and hoping for a viral hit. It’s better to put out content consistently and make sure that every single thing you produce has a reason why someone should consume it. Focus on doing things repeatedly until they become habits. It takes months or years to build up your audience, so don’t expect overnight success. If you want something really badly, then you have to keep at it even when things aren't going well because eventually, they will turn around. Make sure that every single thing you produce has a reason why someone should consume it. Focus on doing things repeatedly until they become habits. It takes months or years to build up your audience, so don’t expect overnight success.

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