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Highest Preforming Sales Rep

How To Make Your Website Your Highest-performing Sales Rep

June 17, 20222 min read

MedTech product awareness is changing in the post covid world.  The sales rep's knowledge and conference presentations have been vital in getting the word out about your product in the past, but in today’s world, your website is gaining status as a beneficial and essential strategy to spread the word. How do you maximize your website's potential to not only introduce your product but sell your product as well? 


Step 1: Audit your current website.


Gone are the days when your website acts as a static brochure. Today your website should provide your customer with more than just information, it should nurture your potential customers down the path to purchase. Every website should answer some essential questions to help your customers connect with your brand and product. The essential questions are; 


1. what problem does your product solve

2. What promise does your product offer

3. What outcomes does your product provide?


With virtual engagement on the rise, it's critical that your website can stand up to the task and meet your customer's expectations.  


Step 2. Invest in old-school digital strategies


Now that your website is speaking your customers' love language, it's time to drive more traffic to your site. Invest in SEO and SEM strategies to get more buyers to your website. 


Nail down your keywords and make them an everyday part of your content creation process. 


Capture potential customers' emails and contact information by offering them more data or a consultation. 

Step 3. Create Better Content


For most physicians, data is still king, and in the world of digital marketing, content is king. Combine both worlds and design your content strategy around any data you have about your product. For all your SEO and SEM to pay off, you need to produce quality content. Leverage your physician partners to produce high-quality, engaging, and professional content.

Building a website that becomes your best sales rep takes significant, ongoing investment. With web strategy, design, content creation, SEO/SEM, execution, measurement, and optimization required - It can take a whole team to do it all. Still, if you want quality results, it's worth investing in these experts so they can produce something your company can be proud of. This way, when people visit your site, they'll feel like it was created specifically for them - making them want to come back again.

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